第2部 出演者インタビュー:柾谷 伸夫さん Nobuo Masaya 【外国人による日本語弁論大会】



今回は、第二部の演出とMC/司会進行をして頂きます、柾谷 伸夫(まさや のぶお)さん にインタビューをしました。


3 more days until the Speech Contest!

Today we will be interviewing Mr. Nobuo Masaya, the MC and performer during the second half of the speech contest. Join us for local performances featuring the Enburi dance group and the charm of the Nambu region dialect!

(English Below)


Q. 第二部アトラクションの見所は?

A. 内丸えんぶり組の洗練された摺り・舞は勿論ですが、スピーカー(出場者)の皆さんや特別審査員のパックンも出演します。さて、どんな舞を披露してくれるでしょうか?

Q. 南部弁の魅力は?方言(南部弁)を学ぶことはなぜ大切ですか?

A. 新幹線の駅から見える、現代の日本各地の街のつくりはどこも同じ金太郎飴状態です。



こんな諺があります。「言葉を忘れたら故郷を忘れる 故郷を忘れたら親を忘れる」。


Q. 当日に向けての意気込みを聞かせてください。

A. 様々な国からいらっしゃった方々に、八戸の祭りの1つである「えんぶり」を通して、八戸の魅力をアピールしたいです。

Q. 来場者へのメッセージをお願いします。

A. 外国の方々が、日本をどう観てらっしゃるのか、知りたいですね。また、季節はずれですが、ステージ上の出演者とえんぶり組のコラボをぜひお楽しみ下さい!


Q: What should we look out for during the second half of the speech contest?

A: Of course, we will be able to enjoy the Uchimaru Enburi group’s polished dance, but the speech participants and special guest Pakkun will also be performing. Can you guess what kind of dance they will perform for us?


Q: What is the charm of the Nambu dialect? Why are regional dialects important to learn?

A: You can see a view of many modernized Japanese cities from the bullet train, and you’ll find that they are all cookie cutter cities. So then we must ask, what is that city’s charm? A city’s nature, townscape, the hearts of the locals, are all undoubtedly important factors, but one huge component is the language, or the dialect of that place.

For as long as time, language itself has been grown and cultivated through the local traditions and communities inhabiting an area. There is an abundance of emotions and situations that can only be expressed through specific dialects. In Japanese, there is a saying, “If you forget your language, then you have forgotten your hometown. If you forget your hometown, then you have also forgotten your parents”. I strongly believe that if dialects disappear, we would only be left with the shell of a city without any unique charm.

Q: What are you looking forward to during the event?

A: I’m excited to show one of Hachinohe’s festivals, the Enburi Festival, and the appeal of Hachinohe to our visitors from all over the world.

Q: Do you have a message for our guests who are coming to the speech contest?

A: I hope that the audience will be able to see Japan from the unique perspective of our foreign friends. And, the Enburi Festival usually takes place in the winter, but I hope everyone will enjoy this special off-season performance in collaboration with the speech contestants!


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