出場者インタビュー:アメリカ出身オーマーさん Omar Gouda 【外国人による日本語弁論大会】


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アメリカ出身のオーマー グーダーさんは、現在弘前市に住んでいます。

今年、八戸市で開催される「第60回 外国人による日本語弁論大会」で、123名の応募者の中から、12名の出場者の1人に選ばれました!



インタビュー第1弾 | Part 1
インタビュー第2弾 | Part 2 
インタビュー第3弾 | Part 3 ~NEW~


インタビュー第1弾 | Part 1

オーマー vs. わんこそば  Omar vs. the Wanko Soba challenge.

アメリカ出身のオーマー グーダーさんは現在、弘前市に住んでいます。6月1日(土)に八戸市で行う「第60回外国人による日本語弁論大会」で、123名の応募者の中から、12名の出場者の一人に選ばれました。同じ青森県からの出場者なので、ぜひ皆さんにご紹介したいと思います。当日は、ぜひ会場で温かい応援をお願いします!







オーマー vs. わんこそば  Omar vs. the Wanko Soba challenge.

This year, Hachinohe City will be hosting The 60th International Speech Contest in Japanese, and Omar Gouda was among the 12 participants selected from 123 applicants to compete in this nationally televised speech contest. Omar Gouda, currently residing in Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture, was born and raised in the United States. Since he is one of the local participants selected from Aomori Prefecture, we thought it would be a perfect opportunity to interview Omar on his background and also his thoughts on the upcoming Speech Contest. For those living in the Hachinohe area, you can come support our participants and watch the speech contest!

Omar Gouda is from the east coast of the United States, from the famous place called New York City. Well, actually, he “was born in New York City, grew up in southern New Jersey, and then moved to the suburbs of New York City for high school”. Omar says, “I usually just tell people I’m from NYC to hide the shame of having lived in the not-at-all aptly named ‘Garden State’. When I hear New Jersey, a thriving agricultural sector is not exactly what comes to my mind”. I personally can’t even begin to imagine what Garden State is supposed to refer to, but it sounds like it could be a beautiful place.

I’m sure all of us have a certain image of New York City, but for Omar, “NYC very much honors the U.S.’s reputation as a nation of immigrants”. He says:

Both my parents immigrated to the states as adults, and any halfway accurate snapshot of NYC life would feature people of all races and creeds living and working together. If you’ve ever been to NYC, you would know that it is also absolutely, positively disgusting. Rats and roaches run amok, suspicious fluids flood the streets and subways, and if it’s blustery out then prepare to defend yourself against salvos of flying snack wrappers and plastic bags. It’s all part of the NYC experience!”

Other than the wonderful city life experience, Omar says, “My favorite food from the States has got to be the pastrami sandwich. Rye Bread! Gooey Swiss Cheese! Tangy sauerkraut! And of course, spicy, smoky pastrami… I miss it dearly”.

As for Japanese food? “… Probably tonkotsu ramen. I loved instant ramen growing up, and the first time I had the real thing I just about lost my mind”.

Next time, I will be asking Omar about how he started learning Japanese, and about his experiences living in Aomori! Stay tuned for more.

インタビュー第2弾 | Part 2  ~NEW~

学校の演劇に出ているオーマーさん。Omar in a school play.

オーマーさんは、弘前市内の4つの小学校で、ALTAssistant Language Teacherとして英語を教えています。学校での一日は「先生たちと5~10分程の簡単な打ち合わせをしてから、授業の準備をしたり、新しい教科書の内容を読み解いたりしています。」




オーマーさんはまた演じています!Omar in another school play called “The Odd Couple”.




こちらも演劇中のオーマーさん。何を演じているのかな? Omar in a school play.

Omar is an Assistant Language Teacher at four local elementary schools in Hirosaki City. He says that “most work days consist of a brief 5 to 10 minute meeting with the teachers I’ll be working with for the day, followed by… decipher[ing] what exactly the kids in the new textbooks are trying to say”.

For those who aren’t familiar with Aomori Prefecture in Japan, Hirosaki City is one of the most famous locations for its cherry blossoms and fall foliage festivals. It also receives a hefty amount of snow in the winter. When asked about his life in Aomori so far, Omar says, “life in Aomori is great!… for six months of the year. I think that Hirosaki City has a charming ration of country to city, the issue is that during the endless winter, I can’t exactly go anywhere. I don’t have a car or a driver’s license, so if there is somewhere I want to go, I either hop on my bike or walk; when the entire city is choked by several feet of snow, I’m often stuck at home… My typical days (when the weather cooperates) would be work, followed by a jog through the city, then a session of furious cooking…

During the winter, replace the jogging with soft sobbing”.

However, Omar adds that “the spring Cherry Blossom Festival and summer Neputa Festival almost make up for the lean winters”.

Despite the harsh winters, Omar must definitely still love his city and the people because he has been in Japan for about three years now!

こちらも演劇中のオーマーさん。何を演じているのかな? Omar in another school play called “The Odd Couple”.

He says, “My mother is Japanese, so I’ve visited the country several times before, but this has been my longest stay thus far”.

Whoa, wait! I didn’t know Omar was half Japanese!

Being half Japanese, you would think I would have spoken Japanese at home, but you would be wrong! I read the speech contest rules, no native speakers! I’d always been interested in learning Japanese as a child, but… my father forced me to study Arabic instead. Of course, since I hated it, I don’t actually remember much Arabic at all… My formal Japanese studies began in freshman year of college and continued until I graduated 4 years later, complete with a semester abroad at Kyoto’s Doshisha University”.

As for Omar’s self-evaluation of his Japanese skills? “I don’t want to say that I was a lackluster student, but I still freeze up when the cashier at Lawson asks me if I want my onigiri heated up”.

インタビュー第3弾 | Part 3 ~NEW~









Omar at Arashiyama Monkey Park, in Kyoto. 京都の嵐山モンキーパークいわたやまにて









As you may have seen from the photos above, Omar has had experience with public performing, and it turns out, with speech contests too. Omar says, “Back in high school, I used to love competing in English speech contests. I was the four time New York champion in various divisions, as well as 5th national at my peak”.

As an aside I would like to mention that my greatest traits are my humbleness and humility, bigly,” he jokes.

Omar will be moving on from his current job this year, and so he took this speech contest as an opportunity to add to his experiences and accomplishments during his time in Japan.

Without giving away too much of Omar’s speech, let’s just say that we will be witnessing the potency of his main hobby, or so-called “aggressive pun-making”.

Omar says, “It got so bad that at one point I had a conversation with my college roommate that went like this:

Hey, how was your day?’

Omar, is this a pun?’

No… how was your day?’

‘… is this a pun!?’”

Omar at Arashiyama Monkey Park, in Kyoto. 京都の嵐山モンキーパークいわたやまにて

According to the source himself, his friends began describing his “pun-making as a disease… which could be contracted in a milder form by spending too much time around me”.

New doors were opened since his formal encounter with the Japanese language, as Omar notes that, “adding a whole new set of vocabulary by studying Japanese has only caused the illness to worsen. I keep a Google Doc with my favorite Japanese and English puns, but I had no one to share them with… until now! Hopefully I’ll be able to showcase the power of dad jokes to a Japanese audience, even though many of my better puns are unusable due to requiring English vocabulary”.

His encouragement to the speech contest audience and our readers is to “[not] be ashamed to make jokes that fall flat. It can be embarrassing when a punchline doesn’t land, but as Famous Sports Figure once said, you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. I average five or so new puns before I find one worth adding to my list”.

By the way, for our readers who are curious about the world of dad jokes, “you also don’t need to be a father or even male legal guardian; dad joking is a very inclusive field”.

Come to the speech contest for more tidbits of wisdom from Omar!


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