International Hachinohe #4 日本語教師&英語クラブ
Hello, this is Angelica! It’s been a while! お久しぶりですね!
Welcome back to the fourth post of International Hachinohe! This series will be focusing on people who are involved in Hachinohe’s international scene, whether they are employees and volunteers for Hachinohe International Relations Association and more!
This time, I interviewed Ms. Sasaki, a volunteer for a local Japanese language education NPO called Michinoku International Japanese Center (MIJEC). I hope you enjoy what she has to say!
A: 簡単な自己紹介をお願いします!
S: 佐々木やす子と申します。MIJEC NPO法人(みちのく国際日本語教育センター) のメンバーの一人として、在住外国人の皆さんに日本語を教えています。週2回(火、水曜日)18:30~20:30、場所は八戸市福祉公民館です。
A: Tell me a little bit about yourself!
S: My name is Yasuko Sasaki. I am a member of the Michinoku International Japanese Education Center (MIJEC), where I teach Japanese language classes to foreigner students at Hachinohe Fukushi Community Center. The classes are every week on Tuesday and Wednesday, from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm!

佐々木さんが日本語教室で日本語を教えている様子です。This is a photo of Ms. Sasaki teaching Japanese class!
A: 現在、どんな国際交流活動をしていますか?
S: MIJECでの活動に加えて、長者公民館で、三沢基地から軍人さんや主婦の方をインストラクタ―として招き、英語の勉強会をしています。アメリカ人といっても、彼らのルーツは私たち日本人の想像をはるかに超える世界の国々にあります。お互いの国の食べ物、文化や習慣などについて、話しながら楽しく交流しています。
A: Tell me about the kind of international cultural exchange activities you are currently involved in.
S: For many years, I have been participating in an English Language Club at Choja Community Center, which is conducted by instructors from the Misawa Air Force Base. Even though they are Americans, their heritage and cultural roots are also more diverse than Japanese people expect. Their culture, traditions, and foods are completely different from what we are accustomed to, and so there are many opportunities for culture exchange. Most of the class members have experience as English tour guides, and we have been involved in various activities together with the same members for a long time. Recently, it’s starting to feel more like a Seniors’ Club rather than an English Club…
A: 国際交流や海外の文化に興味を持ったきっかけは何でしたか?
S: 若いとき、アメリカ在住の叔母を訪ねたことがきっかけで興味を持ちました。
A: How did you first get interested in international cultures?
S: When I was young, I visited my aunt who was living in America, and that was when I became more interested.
A: 国際交流活動の魅力は何ですか?
S: 自分の知らない国々についての文化や習慣などを知ることです。
A: What is your favorite part about being involved in international cultural exchange?
S: I like learning about different countries and their cultures and traditions that I have never heard of before.
A: 国際交流はどうして必要だと思いますか?皆さんに参加して欲しい理由は何ですか?
S: 八戸にも沢山の外国人が住んでいます。長年住んでいて日本語が上手に話せても、なかなか日本人の友達ができないようです。彼らの孤立を防ぐためにも、差別や偏見を持つことなく、いろいろな人たちと交流をもって友達になってほしいと思います。
A: Why do you think it’s important for people to be interested?
S: There are many foreigners who are living in Hachinohe. Even though they have been living here for a very long time and they can speak Japanese fluently, I’ve heard that many of them have difficulties making Japanese friends. To prevent isolation, I think it’s important to have these cultural exchanges and befriend different people without discrimination and prejudice.
A: 八戸でこれからどんな国際交流活動をしてみたいですか?
S: いつも盛り上がる話題は「食べ物」についてです。世界各地から来ている人たちにお国の料理を作ってもらい、料理を楽しみながらその国の文化や習慣などについて、楽しくコミュニケーションできる場所があれば、とても面白いと思います。
A: What is one thing you’d like to see happen for the international community in Hachinohe?
S: I find that food is always such a popular topic! I think it would be fun if there were a place where people from all over the world could come and teach us how to cook food from their country. While we enjoy the food, we can also have fun conversing about our cultures!
A: 国際交流や異文化交流に興味のある方々に伝えたいことは何ですか?
S: ぜひ積極的に外に出て、新しい世界を経験してほしいと思います。
A: What is one thing you would like to tell people who are interested in international cultures?
S: I hope everyone will have the chance to go out into the world with a forward-thinking, positive mindset and gain a lot of new experiences.

MIJEC日本語教室の年末ポットラックでクラス5の集合写真です!アンジェリカを見つけられますか?This is a group photo from Japanese Class. Can you find Angelica?
→ More photos on our Instagram “Hachinoheworld“
→ 国際交流活動に興味のある方は 国際交流ボランティア にご登録ください^^